
Packaging Design Laundry Cleaner

Packaging solution for stain removal.


Partnering with Leading MNC, we developed stain remover dispensers, which would assist in cleaning stains on cuffs and collars. As the client had two types of viscosity for the detergent, we developed two types of dispensers for the same; a spray based version and a squeeze – bottle based version.

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Enfost was provided with two liquids of varying viscosity and provided with a brief to develop dispensers which would aid users in cleaning stains on clothes, especially the cuffs and the collars.

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The above concepts indicate the intended usage of the dispensers, while also depicting the value addition of a coarse texture on the dispenser to aid the user in scrubbing the stains.

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3D renderings for the Spray version of the dispenser, with the detergent level indicator and the cap also acting as a scrubber.
Bottle Design _Concept_Packaging Design _Rendering3D renderings for the squeeze – bottle version of the dispenser, with the detergent level indicator and scrubber.Bottle Design _Concept_Packaging Design _Rendering

Final Prototype developed.

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