
Moonbow Water Purifier Design

Premium RO+UV+Ozone Water Purifier


Moonbow (A consumer appliance brand of Hindware) recognized that the Water Purifier category was an undifferentiated and crowded space, and in need of innovation. They challenged us with developing a design strategy for the Moonbow brand that would disrupt existing market conventions based on consumer behaviors, needs, attitudes, and desires.

To gain insights into Purifier use and the latent needs of consumers, we conducted a series of rapid ethnographies in the homes of a diverse group of people ranging from young singles to stay-at-home moms, to large families. We discovered that consumers Used RO purified water for a lot more activities other than purely for drinking purposes. From cleaning vegetables to rinsing rice.

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Moonbow water purifier design renderingThe final product line Our design for the water purifier provides a multipurpose tray at the bottom which can hold up to 3 liters of water and can be used for the rinsing activities in the Kitchen.

waterpurifier design specifications

The outcome was a line of counter top/wall mounted water purifier that was targeted towards three different customer targets. The result was a disruptive design solution for a commodity category that was immediately embraced by major retailers.


From the research insights, we explored designs that improved access to controls incorporated units that were taller and slimmer for compact storage, and improved cleaning and handling for filter installation and cool and modern looking touch panels. In addition, we incorporated a fresh form and combination finish to convey an appearance that would create a premium aesthetic and help to capture higher margins.

moonbow interface design

cad design water purifier

final product rendering water purifier

moonbow water purifier design prototype moonbow water purifier final product

